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Ef 85mm F 1.2 L Ii Usm Amazon

Ef 85mm F 1.2 L Ii Usm Amazon

Catechism EF 85mm f/1.2L 2 USM Lens Review

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens

The Catechism EF 85mm f/one.2L II USM Lens is the widest aperture lens Canon currently makes (review update: the Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L USM Lens now shares this discontinuity) - allowing handholding and action stopping in the darkest weather condition. The background blur the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L 2 USM Lens is capable of producing is stunning.

85 f/1.2L II mounted on a Canon 30D DSLR Camera

Information technology takes a lot of glass to be that fast - and information technology sure looks nice. It is particularly bonny with that red ring around the end of information technology - showing it'south L-Series membership.

The biggest downside to the original Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L USM Lens was the very slow focusing speed. If you were shooting portraits, it didn't matter. But, a lens this fast begs to be used for indoor action sports. Catechism has utilized the latest USM (Ultrasonic Motor) in this lens for faster (though I wouldn't give it a "fast" rating all the same) and near-silent autofocus.

The 85 f/1.2L Two'south improved focus machinery is about 1.6x faster than the original lens - noticeably faster and a very nice improvement, but not equally fast every bit Canon'southward fastest autofocusing lenses. While this lens certainly has the aperture and image quality to be an excellent indoor activeness sports lens, the AF functioning is but "good enough" in my opinion - and non matching the Canon EF 85mm f/i.8 USM Lens' AF functioning.

Tin the Canon EF 85mm f/ane.2L Two Lens exist used for sports activeness photography? Definitely. I included the Catechism EF 85mm f/ane.2L 2 Lens in my indoor activity sports lens recommendation list. Some, in a politely-constructive way (always very appreciated), are questioning my logic for doing then. The big reason for this questioning is due to the 85mm f/1.2L 2's focusing speed.

Here is a very slightly cropped sample photograph captured using a Catechism 1D 10:

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens Sample Sports Picture

Is it sharp? That is a good question because it is piece of cake to make web-sized images abrupt. Fifty-fifty with very light sharpening ("2" in DPP), the eyelashes are abrupt equally shown in the screen capture below. The screen capture is lower quality than DPP'southward RAW conversion (the sharpening is not as clean), simply I want to evidence the active AF bespeak placed on the jaw line:

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens Sample Sports Picture AF Point Overlay

Close and fast approaching subjects present a claiming to the autofocus systems of both cameras and lenses. This runner was very close and moving fast. She was on the inside lane of the rails and I was off of the rail *but* far enough to not disturb the race. Information technology is going to be hard to get much closer to whatever action - and dangerous to become that close to anything faster. This shot and a significant percentage of my other 85 f/one.2 action images are in sharp focus.

Adding to the challenge of capturing in-focus action sports images with this lens is the razor-sparse depth of field at f/ane.2. Maintaining a focus point somewhere on the subject inside the narrow plane of sharp focus equally the in-action subject's eyes is a challenge. Do not expect an in-focus hitting rate every bit high equally with some good f/2.eight lenses when shooting at f/1.2 - though the 85 f/1.2L Two bested some other non-Canon f/2.eight lenses I was testing at the above consequence even at f/1.2.

You of course do not accept to employ a wide open aperture, only ... f/1.ii is a leading contributor to the major awesomeness of this lens. It is seldom too dark to stop action with an f/1.2 discontinuity equally the in-activeness field of study's ability to meet becomes an issue.

Really, it can be too bright to shoot sports at f/1.ii unless you have the right DSLR photographic camera. Shooting under full sunlight as shown in the sample above? You lot need a DSLR with ane/8000 shutter speed capability (merely higher end models have it) along with ISO 50 to keep images night plenty to avoid diddled highlights in some scenarios. These were the settings used in the sample to a higher place. Alternatively, a neutral density filter tin can be used.

Over again, this lens can perform very adequately in some sports activity situations.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens on Camera Comparison

Canon EF 85mm f/ane.2L Ii USM Lens No Hood | Hood

Sigma 85mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM Lens No Hood | Hood

Zeiss 85mm f/ane.4 ZE Planar T* Lens No Hood | Hood

While transmission focusing is also improved, I am a somewhat disappointed that the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens however utilizes focus-past-wire - electronic manual focusing. Electric manual focus uses the autofocus motor to suit focus while you plough the focus band. The camera must exist powered on for transmission focus to work.

While I can't say I am inhibited past this feature, it is not my favorite attribute of this lens. When manually focusing the 85 f/1.2, the AF motor remains slightly behind my intentions. Manual focus lag is slightly improved over my 85mm version I.

The undamped focus ring turns far likewise easily and freely in my personal opinion. It is super smooth, but slightly harder to fine melody than some of the other L lenses. Avert grasping the MF band when mounting/dismounting the lens.

And very important - make certain that you practice non turn the MF ring while shooting in AF mode as FTM (Total Fourth dimension Manual) focusing is enabled. Particularly if you lot are focusing and recomposing. The natural location to concord this lens means that your left hand is on the focus band and the slightest movement will outcome in an OOF shot.

I frequently avoid the accidental focus ring adjustment issue by turning off electrical manual focus in cameras that support this custom function (such as the Canon EOS 5D Marking Iii).

The DOF is extremely shallow at f/1.2 with a relatively close bailiwick - authentic focusing is mandatory - and recomposing after focusing can generate out of focus shots in some situations even if your hand does not move the MF band.

Since the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens is a forepart-focusing lens (function of the slower focusing speed reason I'1000 sure), the lens extends a small amount while focusing. I prefer not-extending lenses, but the amount of extension in relation to the size of the lens is relatively small. Care is required during lens changes to avert scratching the rear lens element as it is seated at the back of the lens mountain making it susceptible to damage.

85 f/1.2L II fully extended

The 85 f/1.2L Ii pictured above is extended to its maximum length (minimum focus distance).

Epitome quality was fantabulous on the original 85 L, but using Super Spectra coatings and optimized lens element shaping to suppress flare and ghosting should make the 85mm f/i.2L Ii an fifty-fifty better performer. Anti-reflective material has been placed within the lens butt equally well. In reality, I am seeing only very slightly improved epitome quality - but information technology is still first-class. In certain situations, I am seeing less flare. Both 85mm 50 lenses are noticeably better at decision-making flare than the 85mm f/one.eight. The biggest image quality difference I am seeing between the I and II lenses is a slightly more than neutral color from the new lens.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens on EOS 60D - Top View

The original 85 L was sharp even at f/one.two and it got even sharper when stopped downwards a small amount. The new lens appears very similar to me. Real life shots are very usable at f/1.ii.

The original 85 L showed noticeable vignetting at f/1.ii (even on a 1.6x FOVCF body. Full frame users saw vignetting nearly disappear by f/2. The 85 f/1.2L II performs identically. The 85 f/ane.2L II has about i stop of vignetting reward over the Catechism EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens.

The 85 f/1.2L II shows more CA (Chromatic Aberration) than the older 85 L. And my 85 f/1.8 shows less CA than either version of the 85 L lens. The 85 II lenses I have used are producing noticeable royal fringing at the widest apertures when sunday glares from something cogitating in the shot (such equally a chrome car bumper). For most applications, the CA will not exist a big deal - and removing it in post-processing is often possible.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens to the left, 85 f/1.2L II to the right

Pictured above are the Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens and the 85 f/i.2L Ii. The aforementioned are pictured beneath with their lens hoods mounted.

With lens hoods - Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens to the left, 85 f/1.2L II to the right

Since I don't feel the above pictures tell the complete story, I am including an objective end comparing beneath ...

From their objective ends - Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM Lens to the left, Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens to the right

Combining an 8-bract circular discontinuity diaphragm with an f/1.2 discontinuity, the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens is the master of background diffusion for this focal length or anything close. Open the 85 f/1.2L Two upward and sentry the background disappear. The issue is very appealing. Background distractions are gone.

Proceed in mind - DOF (Depth of Field) is razor thin at f/1.2. Unless you are far away from your subject, yous must hitting your focus perfectly. Plan on your focus hit rate being lower when shooting at f/1.2 - have additional pictures to compensate. Hither are some aperture examples:

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens Aperture Comparison

The other do good of the extremely wide f/1.2 aperture is the unproblematic fact that information technology lets in a lot of light. The event is that lower, less-noisy ISO speeds can be used and college handholdable, activeness-stopping shutter speeds tin exist obtained.

While the circular aperture diaphragm is a squeamish new characteristic, I haven't hit the right scenarios to run across this make much deviation in my images to date. The circular design attempts to go on the background blur attractive fifty-fifty when the lens aperture is stopped down. About lenses take round apertures with they are broad open up.

Although it is not an issue to me personally, I should note that the 85 f/1.2L II's minimum discontinuity is a still-somewhat-wide f/16.

Slight barrel distortion is visible in the 85 L II.

Canon L Lens Size Comparison

Pictured in a higher place from left to right are the Catechism EF 35mm f/1.4L USM Lens, Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L USM Lens, Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L USM Lens and Catechism EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM Lens. The same lenses are pictured below with their included lens hoods.

Canon L Lens Size Comparison With Hoods

Now with distance information. Unlike its predecessor, the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L Two USM Lens passes altitude data to the East-TTL II flash algorithm. This lens is going to testify up at a lot of weddings and other similar events where wink is often used. Adding this parameter to the flash exposure computation is beneficial.

With a closest focusing distance of 37.iv" (0.95m), the 85 f/1.2L II is not going to be mistaken for a macro lens. Maximum magnification is a low 0.11x. Extension tubes help - magnification 0.25x-0.15x with the Canon EF 12mm Extension Tube II and 0.42x-0.33x with the Canon EF 25mm Extension Tube II. The 85 f/1.2L II is not uniform with Canon'southward Extenders.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens Product Images

Based on outward appearance, not much has inverse from the original 85 f/1.ii - Lots and lots of drinking glass housed in a strong torso. At iii.6" x iii.3" (91.five x 84.0mm)(maximum diameter ten length) and 36.2 oz (1025g), the Canon EF 85mm f/i.2L 2 USM Lens is fat and heavy. While I considered this a detriment when I outset used the original 85 Fifty, I now don't listen the weight/density of this lens. Considering I am frequently using the this lens in low light conditions, my shutter speed is often dragging (long). The lens anchors very well into my hand aiding steadiness - The weight of the lens helps it to remain yet during the shot. A rubberized grip surface helps control the camera/lens combination.

The 85 f/1.2L II retains the 72mm filter size of the original 85 L. It also uses the same lens hood and lens pouch. Both the ES-79 II and the LP1219 lens pouch are included with this lens. The clip-on lens hood is very easy to install and remove - it is very forgiving to installation misalignment.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens mounted on a EOS 1Ds Mark III DSLR

With improved AF speed, the 85 f/1.2L II is destined to be the choice of many as their indoor sports lens of choice. If 85mm is the focal length you lot need, this lens volition capture your field of study confronting a smoothly blurred background much ameliorate than whatever other available lens shut to this focal length. The crowd volition become a colorful blur while the basketball role player is frozen in activeness. There is a significant deviation in the background blur at f/1.2 compared to f/1.8 or higher. There is a 2x difference in shutter speeds at these two wide open apertures.

Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens on EOS 60D - Top View with Hood

The Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens excels at portrait photography - Catechism calls it their "definitive portraiture lens". The 85mm focal length combined with splendid bokeh (evenly graduated blurring of out-of-focus areas) is perfect for portraits.

The Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens is an excellent depression-light lens for handholding at events. The 85 f/1.2L Two is one of the best wedding lenses bachelor. Taking pictures around the business firm using bachelor light, shooting church events, photographing a speaker or business event, still life photography ... There are a huge range of uses for the 85 f/one.2L II.

I have purchased retail or used 5 of these lenses. I take not noticed any operation differences betwixt them - I've loved them all. Years later on the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L II USM Lens was start written, this lens continues to exist i of my most-used prime number lens - and captures my most-talked-about portraits.

Bringing you this site is my full-time task (typically threescore-eighty hours per week). Thus, I depend solely on the commissions received from you using the links on this site to make whatsoever purchase. I am grateful for your support! - Bryan

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Ef 85mm F 1.2 L Ii Usm Amazon

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